Reese Langley

CrossFit - L1

Reese has been involved in CrossFit since 2015. He has been at Refine for 6 years. Refine completely changed his life. He was coached by Jonathan Burgin, where they became friends and Burgin lead Reese to find the Lord. His life was forever changed in the best way. Because of this life change, Reese has become passionate about seeing other's lives being transformed physically and spiritually. He felt the Lord calling him to be a part owner of Refine in August 2022. Reese works full time for U-Storage while doing a few other side gig things! Outside of the gym Reese enjoys spending time with his wife, Sarah and little girl, Hazel, hunting, mountain biking, traveling, and getting tattoos. 

How long have you been involved with CrossFit? What got you started? 
I have been doing Crossfit since 2015. I liked working out but wanted to do something challenging and different.

What’s your favorite CrossFit move/lift? Why? 
Thruster. I love squats and I love the fact that everyone else hates thrusters and I feel like this gives me and edge on them!

What’s your least favorite? Why? 
Burpees. They suck.

What’s your favorite part about coaching? 
My favorite part about coaching is when an athlete grasps a cue or gets a movement for the first time, and you can see them understand and get excited! I like to encourage people and try to have a positive impact on their day.

If you’re going to cheat on diet, what’s your guilty pleasure food or meal? 
Cheat meal: Chicken strips or a greasy hamburger!

Favorite hobby outside of the gym? 

What keeps you coming back to CrossFit every day? 
The community and accountability keep me coming back. The challenge it brings.

What’s your favorite thing about Refine?
My favorite thing about Refine is the community. I feel like the community at Refine is different than any other gym I have been to.