Jordan Sanders

CrossFit - L1

Jordan has been doing CrossFit for about 7 years. He loves the challenge that CrossFit offers and the variety of scaling options that make it a great fitness regimen for anyone. He is married to Yer and they have two kids, Raia and Malachi. Outside of the gym, he enjoys serving in the church, hunting, various sports, and literally anything as long as family and friends are there. He is passionate about helping people reach their fitness goals.

How long have you been involved with CrossFit? What got you started? 
Been involved with CrossFit since 2015 and I first got involved because my wife was doing it and I wanted to try it out.

What’s your favorite CrossFit move/lift? Why? 
My favorite move in CrossFit is probably rope climbs. The feeling of getting them down after a lot of practice is very rewarding.

What’s your least favorite? Why? 
My least favorite move is anything that involves squatting such as wall balls, thrusters, front squat etc. because my squat form has come a long way but I’ve always struggled with it and I gas out easy on squatting movements.

What’s your favorite part about coaching? 
My favorite part of coaching seeing members hit their goals! Whether that is a first muscle up, a PR, or doing anything they doubted beforehand. I love encourage people and watch them grow.

If you’re going to cheat on diet, what’s your guilty pleasure food or meal? 
I have a flexible diet with my main goal of being healthy both physically and mentally. I believe in enjoying all food in moderation, adopting the 80/20 rule. I stopped considering anything a cheat meal and it did wonders for my mental health. With that being said, I LOVE mexican food, especially burritos.

Favorite hobby outside of the gym? 
Hobbies outside the gym include spending time with my family, playing guitar and singing for my church, hunting, and biking/running.

What keeps you coming back to CrossFit every day? 
The community keeps me coming back to CrossFit everyday. Some of my closest friends are here and I enjoy getting to see everyone. Working out together brings about a camaraderie that you can’t get anywhere else.

What’s your favorite thing about Refine?
I specifically love Refine because of the intentional means of relationship where everyone feels included. I witness on a daily basis how everyone interacts with each other and it is wonderful to see. I genuinely believe the Christ-centeredness of the gym is the reason for it.