Amber Allison

CrossFit - L1, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Amber has been involved in CrossFit since 2015. Refine has been her home box for 8 years now, and she is a proud part-owner since 2022. Amber works full time as a Physical Therapist and has a passion for helping other move well and achieve their goals through her profession as well as coaching at the gym. She is also a new mom to a fun and sweet little boy. When she isn’t at the gym, you can find her hanging with friends, planning parties, playing board games, and spending time with her husband, Levi and their son.

How long have you been involved with CrossFit? What got you started? 
8 years now! I can’t believe it. My husband begged me for a year to join. I was so scared and intimidated to start, but the community and accountability is what made me stay! It was so much different that I had expected.

What’s your favorite CrossFit move/lift? Why? 
Anything gymnastics! It brings me back to my gymnastics days and it is just so fun.

What’s your least favorite? Why? 
Thrusters, do I need to give a reason??

What’s your favorite part about coaching? 
Seeing a movement “click” and come together for a member. Where it feels comfortable to them and easier!

If you’re going to cheat on diet, what’s your guilty pleasure food or meal? 
Hideaway pizza with a Crumbl cookie!!!

Favorite hobby outside of the gym? 
I love planning themed parties and searching to find that perfect gift for someone!!

What keeps you coming back to CrossFit every day? 
New movements and combinations each every day. Outside of the benchmark workouts, it’s never the same! Which is awesome to me.

What’s your favorite thing about Refine?
By far the community. It’s a safe place to be yourself and truly Refine yourself spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally!