
Tracy Robbins, LMT

Facility Manager

CrossFit - L1/L2, CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Gymnastics, FMT I/II RockTape Provider, Licensed Massage Therapist

Tracy has been involved with CrossFit since 2011, and it has abosolutely changed her life. What started with a job has evolved to a lifestyle and created a passion for Tracy. She loves helping people achieve their fitness goals.
If Tracy isn’t at the box, you’ll likely find her on stage leading worship for New Life Church.
Tracy is also our resident Massage Therapist, and practices out of our box. If you’re looking to take better care of your body and muscles, Tracy is here to help.

How long have you been involved with CrossFit? What got you started? 
I have been doing CrossFit since 2011, and I was first introduced when I achieved licensure as a Massage Therapist & had the opportunity to work out of a CrossFit Box.

What’s your favorite CrossFit move/lift? Why? 
I LOVE anything shoulder-to-overhead. It is one of my stronger movements, so it is enjoyable to me. I also really enjoy snatches (when I am having a good lifting day).

What’s your least favorite? Why? 
Hmmmm...burpees. thrusters. running. (they don't even deserve to be capitalized in my opinion)...burpees - the ground is so far away. thrusters - they just bury my soul a little bit. running - I have never really enjoyed it and I don't think I have never done it tends to be a very slow process for me.

What’s your favorite part about coaching? 
I love watching when the "light bulb" comes on for members with movements they are working on. I enjoy the challenge of coming up with cues that will help people understand how they need to be moving. I also LOVE the moments when people are pushing each other during a WOD & there is this indescribable feeling where everyone in the room (whether working out or not) has one goal - to see the next person succeed. There is an overwhelming unity that takes over the room. When we can all celebrate wins together, it is a super cool feeling.

If you’re going to cheat on diet, what’s your guilty pleasure food or meal? 
Mexican food. No question. And maybe ice cream afterwards.

Favorite hobby outside of the gym? 
Singing is my absolute favorite thing to do.

What keeps you coming back to CrossFit every day? 
Quality of life. I want to live for a long time, and I want to move well for a long time. So this is an investment in my future.

What’s your favorite thing about Refine?
I love the family that has been built here. I love that we love to celebrate each other. This place is unique. I is far different than any other gym, and I am thankful every day that I get to be a part of it.